Development of Conformal Coating competencies in Assel

Assel is the first in Poland to invest in an AOI (Automatic Optical Inspection) PCI 100 machine from PARMI, used to verify the varnishing process (Conformal coating).

The decision to invest in an AOI (Automatic Optical Inspection) machine for the Conformal Coating process is a consequence of the investment in the second varnishing machine in Assel. The strategic goal of these investments is to strengthen and develop conformal coating competencies in Assel.

“The new varnishing machine will allow us to make a significant technological leap - greater precision and achieving higher technical parameters in the conformal coating process. This will bring significant added value to the conformal coating process of our customers' demanding products. Investing in AOI for the Conformal Coating process is another step towards automating production processes and ensuring quality supervision at an even higher level. We are glad that we can be the first company in Poland to implement this process using the Parmi machine.” – states Assel’s Business Development Manager

The PCI 100 machine has four side cameras and a Z-axis autofocus function, for which it adapts to the board's curvature. Additionally, it has three types of lighting - White, RGB and UV - thanks to the last of them it is possible to measure the thickness of the varnish layer applied to the PCB.



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