Questions you need to ask your Electronics Manufacturing Services provider

09.03.2023Maurycy Lewiakowski

Choosing an EMS contract service provider is one of the key and fundamental steps to success. This is important for both new businesses and those seeking continuous process improvement. Reliability in delivering good quality products by professional electronics assembly should be a priority in any case. By neglecting this stage, you make it difficult for yourself to enter the market with a new product at the very beginning.

Why does choosing a good Electronics Manufacturing Services provider matter?

  • OEM end customer satisfaction
  • obtaining a well-assembled product
  • concrete savings without compromising on quality
  • real odds of OEM success

So there is no doubt - in order to enjoy these benefits, you must first be well prepared to choose an EMS company. Only good research can allow you to find an equally good EMS contract service provider. If you take care of it, you can count on the assembly of electronics in line with expectations. It's not just about reduced costs or efficient production procedures. The most important thing is recognition among customers, which translates into the success of the entire business.

What should you ask a contract electronics supplier before starting cooperation?

A trustworthy contract electronics supplier can be easily identified. If you know what to ask and what to pay attention to when you are preparing for cooperation. There are a lot of things to consider before selecting the best EMS provider, but don't be discouraged. Remember that your company's existence in the industry may or may not depend on it. After all, only a good EMS can deliver a well-assembled product, which translates into OEM success. Let's move on to the list of the most important questions along with highlighting their importance.

Is EMS able to meet OEM requirements in terms of timeliness?

First of all, it is important to raise issues related to the timeliness of service provision. Of course, situations on the component market can be different. Therefore, you need to be sure that the EMS provider you choose has a good supply chain management.

Is the contract electronics supplier able to meet the complexity and volume of OEM production?

You must be sure that the selected EMS has the production capacity that will respond to the assumed volumes. You will not be able to ascertain whether the contract electronics supplier is able to provide the service for the assembly of the entire product or only part of it other than by asking for a direct and honest answer. Here, find out immediately whether EMS has the competences you expect when it comes to electronics assembly. Engineering support, including support for testing processes, is crucial for successful cooperation.

Machine park - what does it look like?

This is a perfect vision - if you had the opportunity to personally assess the machinery park of a particular EMS company. If it's in a location that's not accessible to you, ask for documentation to help deduce the condition of the equipment. The most important is the quality of the OEM product, this is the assembly of electronics and the direct relationship between efficient equipment and good assembly. Only fully functional and modern technical facilities are able to ensure this.

Cooperation with EMS - additional information

Don't forget the location! The closer the contract electronics supplier is to the OEM, the greater the chance for better communication. Speaking of communication - it must be effective and transparent. Therefore, when exchanging information with EMS, pay attention to whether it is responsive and transparent, and what principles the supplier follows when organizing activities.

You must also be sure that the contract electronics supplier you are considering cooperation with is financially stable. If it turns out that he does not have sufficient financial resources, there is little chance that he will be able to financially engage in material purchases compatible with your project. You also need to know who exactly will be dealing with your project. Only an EMS that provides the right support, proper electronics assembly and access to the right people is able to give you a chance for success.

Choosing the wrong EMS - what are the consequences?

To finally emphasize how important the right contract electronics supplier is - we will give you some examples of what can happen when you trust the wrong supplier. From increased costs associated with planned expenses, to the frustration of wasting valuable time collaborating with no results, to the worst: product problems and a negative impact on your company's reputation. Take the time to make sure your contracted electronics supplier is trustworthy and you'll avoid these problems



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